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Are you eligible for a Shared Ownership Mortgage in Middlesbrough? What are the pros and cons of having Shared Ownership in Middlesbrough?
A look at the top mortgage questions we find people come to us about in Middlesbrough and providing you with the answers.
Find out how lenders use credit scores to assess your mortgage application and what you can do to improve your score in Middlesbrough.
Buying a house is a long-term investment and can work out cheaper than renting over the term of a mortgage.
Making the decision to buy a house with your partner or a friend may give you the extra boost needed to jump onto the property ladder.
Is your etate agents or builders using their sales tactics to push you to take their mortgage advice in Middlesbrough?
With the constant rising of house prices, first time buyers in Middlesbrough are struggling to save up for their deposit, forcing parents to help out.
How much deposit is needed for a mortgage? Although this can differ per applicant, it usually stands around the 5%-10% mark.
Off the back of the March 2021 Budget, Boris Johnson announced a Mortgage Guarantee Scheme for mortgage lenders, making 95% mortgages
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